
Black Mustard Seeds


Black Mustard Seeds

Available package 100gr & 500gr

Black Mustard Seeds – Available package 100gr & 500gr

Black mustard seeds are commonly used in Indian and Southeast Asian cuisine as a spice to add flavor and aroma to dishes. One of the most common uses of black mustard seeds is in the preparation of curries, where they are typically added to the hot oil along with other spices to release their pungent flavor.

Black mustard seeds can also be used to make pickles and chutneys, where they add a tangy and slightly bitter taste to the condiment. They can also be used as a seasoning in marinades, salad dressings, and sauces.

In addition, black mustard seeds can be used to make mustard, which is a popular condiment that is used worldwide. To make mustard, black mustard seeds are ground and mixed with vinegar, salt, and other flavorings to create a smooth and tangy sauce that is typically used as a dip, spread, or ingredient in recipes.

Black mustard seeds are a good source of antioxidants, fiber, and minerals like calcium and iron, making them a healthy addition to any diet.

Overall, the pungent and slightly bitter flavor of black mustard seeds makes them a versatile ingredient that can be used in many different ways to add flavor and depth to dishes.

Weight 600 g

100gr, 500gr


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