Basil Seeds 100gr


Basil Seeds 100gr

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SKU: HERBBASSEED001 Category: Tag:

Basil Seeds 100gr

Basil seeds, also known as Sabja seeds or Tukmaria seeds, are often used in a variety of culinary applications, particularly in Southeast Asian cuisine. The most common use of basil seeds is as a thickening agent and flavor enhancer in drinks and desserts.

Basil seeds are often added to drinks such as fruit juices, smoothies, and milkshakes to give them a gelatinous texture and add nutritional value. When added to liquid, basil seeds absorb the liquid and swell, forming a gel-like substance around the seed. This gives the drink a unique texture and mouthfeel.

In addition to drinks, basil seeds are also used in desserts, particularly in India and Southeast Asia. They are often added to sweet dishes such as falooda, a traditional Indian dessert made with milk, vermicelli noodles, and basil seeds. The seeds provide a crunchy texture and add a subtle basil flavor to the dish.

Basil seeds are also believed to have medicinal properties and are used in traditional Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine to treat a variety of ailments. They are said to have cooling properties and are used to treat digestive issues, such as constipation and bloating.

Overall, the most common use of basil seeds is as a thickening agent and flavor enhancer in drinks and desserts, particularly in Southeast Asian cuisine. Their unique gelatinous texture and subtle basil flavor make them a popular ingredient in many different types of dishes, and they are also believed to have a variety of health benefits.

Weight 200 g


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